The Ultimate Kitchen Storage & Organisation Guide
Published on 26 May 2023
Squeezing a sponge into a sink and turning on the tap, a silhouetted figure watches red liquid swirl down the plughole, still in disbelief at what they’ve done. Satisfied, they gaze at their kitchen.
Nobody will suspect a thing.
The figure? It’s you. And the liquid isn’t blood. It’s spilled red wine. Thanks to a new kitchen and storage organisation system that saves you ever having to struggle again, cleaning it wasn’t hard.
No—for you, running a home has become a clean, stress-free affair. No more cupboard organising. No Googling “tidying tips,” nor rooting around the utility room for cloths when you need to clean. No more finding rusted condensed milk cans in your pantry and having to do the smell test (we all do it).
Since deciding to rewire your mindset for “soft minimalism”—a form of sustainable perfection you applied to your kitchen and the cleaning cupboard in your utility room—you’ve lived in luxury. Or, at least, you could. Want to live this vision of domestic bliss in real life? This is how you make it happen.
Master Your Mindset
Where is the best place to start organising your home? The kitchen drawers? The fridge? The utility room? Actually, it’s inside your own head. After all, mastering your mindset is integral to maintaining domestic perfection long-term rather than yo-yo organising.
Did you know the average person makes up to 35,000 decisions a day? Those who make too many decisions suffer from “decision fatigue” and often make bad choices as a result—for example, leaving dishes unwashed or favouring a ready meal over the fresh vegetables in their fridge.
Declutter your possessions, however, and you’ll minimise decision-fatiguing triggers in your kitchen, making it easier to keep dishes washed, surfaces sparkling and healthy meals prepped.
You don’t have to live in bland rooms, counting your limited possessions, either. Simply follow soft minimalism—or warm minimalism. Pair back clutter so your space is still homely but functional and you’ll quickly realise the benefits of being able to access everything you own.
If you have trouble whittling down the possessions in your kitchen to make this happen, consider the three-step KonMarie process:
- Discard anything you don’t need or love
- Organise everything that’s left by category
- Return possessions to their designated spots after using them
Doing so should help you maintain near-absolute crockery and utensil organisation—a great first step!
Tackle the Utility Room Cupboard
Forethought is everything. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” And he was a man who knew how to clean up an area.
So, what is the kitchen-cleaning “axe” you need to sharpen? Answer: your utility room. Indeed, organise your utility cupboard and you make cleaning frictionless, meaning you’ll do it more often.
Our brand new Utility and Laundry Room Cupboard Dividers are tailor-made for this purpose. Easily inserted in our cabinets, they partition unmanageable chasms into more useful sections, including a place for ironing board storage and several smaller shelves for organising cleaning cupboard supplies.
Offered in two widths, and countless cabinet colour and style combinations, they’re the best utility storage aids. Not only do they make accessing cleaning tools easier; they create a hub for domestic duties, enabling you (or a helper) to clean like a full housekeeping team without breaking a sweat.
Excel at Pantry Organisation
Imagine you’ve decluttered your utensils and turned your utility closet into a slick resource. You’re organised. In that case, why is it still so hard to keep your food ingredients in order?
In short, entropy.
If you’re unfamiliar with the term, physicists define it as nature’s tendency to randomise any neglected space over time. Entropy is why clothes end up everywhere and cabinets gather outdated foods. If you want to avoid it, the only way is to create a system that continuously re-orders the space.
![Tuscan Walnut pantry with a Hardwick New Forest and Highland Stone Kitchen](jpg/mck-kitchen-storage-and-organisation-3(1).jpg)
![Padstow moonlight blue wide Hathaway pantry in a modern, airy kitchen](jpg/mck-kitchen-storage-and-organisation-4(1).jpg)
Available in eight configurations and six widths, our Hathaway pantries provides a perfect framework for the solution. What’s more, with hundreds of colour and style combinations, they suit every taste. As for the solution itself, simply deploy a four-prong method for continuous pantry organisation:
- Avoid buying excess food
- Sort foods as they arrive in order of expiration date (nearest at the front)
- Practice FEFO (first expired first out)
- Re-sort foods weekly to ensure FEFO happens long term
You can replicate this strategy when looking for larder organisation ideas and solutions for organising kitchen drawers. Used in combination with a Masterclass kitchen, it provides a flexible system that does the heavy lifting in every case, freeing up your time to cook, socialise and live more intentionally.
Modern Minimalist Interior Design
Masterclass kitchens are designed with keen cooks, dedicated parents, busy professionals and those who want to live in luxury in mind. We understand that time is your most valuable resource and that an organised kitchen can help you live your best life.
With that in mind, find your nearest showroom and book a consultation slot if you want help cutting through the options and getting a kitchen that caters to your unique storage and organisation needs. Or become a Masterclass Kitchen Insider for more inspiration. As a Masterclass Insider, you’ll get exclusive design tips, welcome guides and lifestyle resources—all free!